Pure pleasure: It all starts with really good organic food

Our vegetables are fresher than fresh! In summer, fresh from our garden, in winter from our basement, straight to the plate, without any loss of vitamins.

We will surprise you with a new vegetarian menu each day. Our food is delicately flavoured and impresses everyone, even those not used to wholefood cuisine.
Our wholemeal bakery products from supervised organic farming with our own special blend coffee and our hand-picked mountain teas are especially popular.

Children enjoy our milk shakes, ramblers the Norican cheese board.

Sunny days are welcomed with fresh grain porridge, a selection of wholemeal bread, farmhouse butter, cheese, preserves sweetened with honey, wild herb teas, coffee, pastries, fruit ... something for everyone. Late risers can breakfast up until 10.30 am.

During the day snacks are available from the wholefood kitchen.

Around 6.30 pm we serve our wild herb soups, chick pea cutlets, baked polenta, gnocchi... .

To begin the meal, a fresh salad is always on offer.

Feeling good - that's a holiday at ARCHE

For 25 years Rosalinde Tessmann looks at the welfare of her guests. And all agree: As good as she can no one else

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